Automatically queue up all the questions in a folder.
To save having to click on every question individually.
Today’s update includes Sets
Organize your questions into a tight grouping, and work with the entire set of questions together – add it to your queue, play for a class, view the results, etc.!
Thanks for your patience! Let us know what you think.
❤️ Plickers
Mr Ploeger commented
I agree!
David R. Whittall commented
Having created a Library and a Topic 'Idioms' and a sub Category '25 Common Idioms', it was annoying to find them in the reverse order on completion (Plickers seem to have sorted that problem, so last entered is last in the Library List)!
Then I found it very tedious, to have to select each Question of the entire Library to the 'Queue'.
Sure you might want a subset or a different order from the 'Stock' Library, but there exists a 'Move' and 'Delete' function on the 'Queued' Slides. Modifying a Library for those rare modifications is more convenient that having to select each of 25 Slides, one by one.
Is there a way to copy a Que from a previous Class to another Class (needing exactly same Test).
Adam commented
This to me is an absolute necessity. I've just started using plickers and started creating folders based of the chapters that I teach. The idea that I have to go through and individually select each question that I want to use is such a waste of time. Not to mention that each question takes 3 clicks to add is ridiculous. The same thing goes for removing items from the queue. Why couldn't we simply click a button to remove all. As it is now if I have to clear a list and add new questions to the queue its takes between 10-20 minutes per class to set up, when this could be done in seconds.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Maybe a "check all" box in a folder, and then a "queue to class" drop down list from the folder level, instead of each individual question. Too clunky.
Anonymous commented
Checkboxes would be great!
3 Clicks per question feels very very slow! -
Greg Armstrong commented
Yep either as a folder or even a tickbox to select multiple questions to multiple classes.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree.
Anonymous commented
Absolutelly! That would be great! It is very time consuming doing it one by one.
I think it will be very useful to have the possibility of selecting a group of questions by checking the selected ones (a checking box for each question will be need) to add them altogether to a Question Queue (I find it time consuming to have to add each question. In this situation, it will be also very useful to have the chance of “Selecting all” the questions in a folder and/or have the possibility of adding the whole folder to a Question Queue in a row.
That will be specially useful when you want to use some questions or a whole folder a second time (with the same classroom a week later to see improvements, with a different classroom of the same level, next year with a different classroom, …).
I think that would be great!
In fact, I think Plickers is already great, so it wil be greater! -
danielle commented
totally. I just emailed about this same issue