227 results found
In iOS app, prompt when forgetting to designate answer
When you are making the mobile app, be prompted if you forget to designate correct answer(s) when you create a quiz question.
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8 votes
Spanish Translation
It would be super helpful if there was an option to automatically translate a question or set of questions into Spanish, or any other language for that matter. Something like a quick button to translate either the individual card or a whole set of them would be amazing and save me so much time.
1 vote -
To have a "Stay Signed in" feature
What it says on the tin really! Would be useful for those of us constantly on the move.
1 vote -
I think it would be a little more user friendly if the queue was removed...
I would like to be able to click on a class from the app, then click library and immediately select an entire folder of questions to go live with. It's very time consuming to have to click each individual question and then add it to the queue. I can't see how having the queue is a better option than this alternative.
15 votes -
I would like to be able to use graphics directly from Google images rather than loading the graphic from a computer hard drive.
I have found that when I create a question that includes a graphic on my home computer. The graphic will not display when I launch the question on my classroom desktop. If graphics were loaded from the internet rather than a physical drive this would be more efficient.
1 vote -
Allow numeric answers
This would be perfect if I could allow my math classes to also enter numeric answers instead of just multiple choice.
14 votes -
Reveal Option
I would like there to be a reveal option that displays the correct answer, percentage correct, percentage incorrect, but hides student names on the main screen.
6 votes -
Utilização de Plickers para fazer chamada de classe automática
Prezados da Plickers, boa noite!
Conheci a solução da Plickers a pouco tempo e estou fazendo os primeiros testes para a utilização definitiva. Além de todas as funcionalidades existentes, venho sugerir adaptar o Plickers para fazer a "chamada de classe", de tal modo que automaticamente os alunos presentes sejam registrados.
Pelos testes, esta abordagem já dá certo, no entanto seria ainda melhor inda se durante o processo também fosse possível tirar fotografias automaticamente. Desta forma, teríamos registros com fotografias.
Ficam minhas recomendações, e parabéns pela ótima solução!
David Gurion
Brazil | Engenheiro Civil | Professor Acadêmico1 vote -
Plickers could allow students to archive Visual Artwork with a self evaluation attached.
For visual arts, it is difficult to develop a portfolio and assess that portfolio quickly. With a slight modification to the app, students would be able to take single shots of their work and their plicker. The plicker would help archive their artwork by identifying who's work it is along with a self evaluation based on a set rubric.
5 votes -
I would like to be able to add tables in a question.
Be able to insert a table so that data can be arrange or more easily ask math questions involving data.
4 votes -
Import bank of questions at one time
I would love to be able to import questions from examview pro or other test banks.
4 votes -
I would like to have the ability to insert images into the plicker program for different questions.
It would be nice to be able to insert images into your questions. Especially for lower elementary students. However, this tool would be very useful across grade level.
1 vote -
6 votes
use different colour or symbols to help colourblind teachers/students better differentiate the right and wrong answers. Thanks
use different colours or symbols to help colourblind teachers/students better differentiate the right and wrong answers. Thanks
1 vote -
7 votes
Able to see on the iPad each individual student. What they have missed or achieved.
I would like to view individual students and have an option to see certain concepts, or between certain dates to show if they have understood the concept or if they are struggling when in parent teacher meetings. The iPad is very beneficial when in those meetings since it is easily portable. I am a firm believer in plickers and would like this feature added. I have told many of my co-workers, along with college professors and other graduates about this app. AMAZING. Now lets make it even more productive.
3 votes -
Add a card display option
Add a card display option to the Plicker app so that students can use their mobile device as their Plicker card.
It would allow students to select their card number and would NOT change the image (keep the screen locked) when the mobile device is rotated.
If possible, it would increase the device brightness to its maximum value.1 vote -
More than 4 Options
Hi, I have just started using plickers and love it! Thanks for such an amazing tool. I would love if it was possible for there to be more than 4 options available for each question. I understand that the image students hold up would then need to change. Thanks!!
9 votes -
I would like to restrict students from changing their answers
Once students have answered the questions, I would like to keep them from changing their answers as they talk to their neighbors.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?