Improved answer cards
How about making the cards double sided (print one card per page and orient it so that when you fold it in the middle it's double sided). On the back have the A,B,C,D labelled so the child can see what letter they are responding with when they hold it up. Also put 'true' & 'yes' under A and 'false' & 'no' under B.
Sue Holt commented
YES YES YES.. the answers can still be small so others can't see but my 'littles' aren't savvy enough yet to know which way is up from the rear view
Anonymous commented
I definitely get what you're saying but the point of the current design of the answer cards is to make it so the other students around don't see what one student is answering. As soon as you put the letters on the back of the card, then the students sitting behind can see what that student answered.