Easier/Bulk/Folder Selection and Deselection in Scoresheet
When viewing reports->scoresheet it is possible to select a date range for the questions, and it is possible to check and uncheck which questions count in the "Total %". However, it is not yet possible to bulk select or deselect questions.
I’m proposing a feature which would allow the user to be able to select which questions are checked and unchecked based on which folder the question came from.
For example, today I used plicker for a science test review, a math lesson, and an exit slip for reading. The science test has 30 questions, the math lesson has 11, and the reading has 4. Selecting date range does not help me because all of the data came from the same date but different subjects.
I’m proposing an option which allows the user to quickly bulk check and uncheck questions based on the folder from which they came. For instance I could select my folder “Science”-> “Light & Sound” and get a % for ONLY the science questions from today. or "Fraction lesson" and get ONLY today's fraction lesson stats etc.