My team works and plans together really closely--we have 2 gen.ed and 2 TAG classes on the grade level and we're trying to get them SOL ready and each one of us plans for a different subject to share with the group. A way to share questions that we make to go along with our plans without having to copy and paste text and/or pictures off of an email would be fabulous. There should be an easy way to be able to type in another email address of another teacher to "share" with them on their account!
My team works and plans together really closely--we have 2 gen.ed and 2 TAG classes on the grade level and we're trying to get them SOL ready and each one of us plans for a different subject to share with the group. A way to share questions that we make to go along with our plans without having to copy and paste text and/or pictures off of an email would be fabulous. There should be an easy way to be able to type in another email address of another teacher to "share" with them on their account!