Use the square corners or a octogon for eight answers (or hexagon for 6 at least)
Picking up the corners (diagonals) to get 4 more answers (ABCDEFGH) or using an octogon.
(or at least a hexagon for 6 possibillities).
Meanwhile, Thank you so much to everyone of that brillant team !!!

Anonymous commented
It is better to do a recto-verso square ABCD on one side and EFGH on the other side!! More precise and simple, and less confusing! There's already one post with that idea.
Anonymous commented
It is better to do a recto-verso square ABCD on one side and EFGH on the other side!! More precise and simple, and less confusing! There's already one post with that idea.
Teal Cyko commented
the problem is how sensitive the card reader would have to be.
John Perkins commented
I know that the resolution at distance would drop off or card size would have to increase if you added any more "pixels" to the grid of 25. How well would the system handle hexagons? For a limited size increase, you could up the response options to 6 and the info. density to 36. Thoughts?