Include images as answer choices
The option to insert pictures into questions is great! What about a similar image option for answers? This would be FABULOUS!
Regina Kendall commented
I need to be able to insert graphs for math problems.
Anonymous commented
Images in answer options would be amazing!
Jenny Shipman commented
I teach elementary special education and many times, students need visuals as ways to choose their answers.
Timothy McGovern commented
Images for questions often necessitate images for answers. This is an important feature for me, so I hope you can add this.
Paul commented
I teach kindergarten and adding images to the answer choices would be nice.
Nicholas LAMBERT commented
As long as we're talking images, the only reason I want to do this is to show expressions. Maybe an integrated expression editor?
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! That would be amazing! I'm a math teacher, and the ability to paste pictures for answers choices would allow me to use equations, exponents and lots of other symbols that I need. Please, please, please! Otherwise, I'm fairly limited with the types of questions I can ask, and my students and I absolutely love using Plickers! I'd love to be able to use it more frequently, and this is the key.
Anne commented
Essential for science !
Chris P commented
Good idea !!
i vote for it -
Katie commented
This is a great idea! I find it frustrating even with year 3 e.g. like with fractions or number lines etc.
Anonymous commented
I teach Kindergarten and they really need to have pictures as the answer choices.
Sarah Jones commented
First graders really need this option!
Anonymous commented
Please allow teachers to add image to the answer choices. ASAP please
Bill commented
This would be very useful for helping in mathematics question/answer-setting - e.g graphs and trigonometry questions.
Andrew T commented
I'll add my voice to the list of people who would love to see the capability of adding graphics to answers. I am currently creating a survey for students to answer and it would be great to have a pictorial Leichhardt scale instead of 1. a bit .2.a bit more.3.a lot .4.a whole lot (not the real measure/answer but will do for now).
Lacey commented
I help teachers to implement tech into their lessons at the elementary school I work at and many of teachers really would love the option of having pictures in their answer choices, especially for math problems.
Anonymous commented
Instead of ABCD, it would be great to have shapes such as circle, square, triangle, or star, etc...
Rosly Jaafar commented
I just showed all figures and named them as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Converted as an image format and inserted them in the question.
A. 1
B. 2...... -
Mehmet Saydam commented
Yes it will be great, I want to show answers as figures
G Thomas commented
This would be really useful for me in Art too. Pupils could do a 'best match' for the model answers and then grade/self assess.