Randomize the order of the answers
I'd like to be able to make the answers appear in random order. That way, if you re-use questions (like I do a lot), students can't just pick the letter they remember was the right answer the last time.

mark commented
Absolutely they should allow this. I'm surprised it isn't currently offered.
Jeff commented
First, I love Plickers! I started using it last year and it is a great way to formatively assess my students and they enjoy using it as well.When I write multiple choice questions with my colleagues, we often write the correct answer first and then come up with other answers later. After entering a set of questions recently, I discovered that there was no way to have Plickers randomize the answer order. I have had this option in other online quiz apps that I have used, but I was wondering if it were possible to add it to Plickers, since I tend to use this product now instead of those others.
Thanks again!
John commented
But this won't work with every question type. I often used a diagram labelled A-D and ask "which is the xxx?". It's important the order stays the same for these ones. So maybe each question needs an option "never shuffle answers", so that if one sets a global answer shuffling option, it is selectively ignored when necessary.
Rachael Cooper commented
Definitely this.
Betsy commented
My thoughts exactly! This would be a great way to use this app for recursive teaching of vocabulary or key concepts by throwing them into the mix!