Video in questions
Please have the ability to add videos for questions and answers!!!

Kelly commented
Yes, videos would be great. In physical education it would be a great addition to a question for analysis of skills.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Teaching French so they can't read yet. Videos would be superbe.
Anonymous commented
Videos would be great, also just sound clips would be wonderful. I'd like to have my students identify instruments and instrument families by listening.
Josephine commented
It would be helpful to add videos so students can pick the correct or incorrect form
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would definitely be an excellent feature to have.
dindin commented
Yeah, try GIF guys..
Jacque Lahr commented
Being able to embed videos for kids to watch would really make using Plickers more accessible to little ones who can't read yet... and this would be useful for other ages as well.
Jeff Colburn commented
Excellent Idea!
Kevin Tiller commented
Using animated GIFs work!!!
simon commented
Just tried to add images to question but it is not saving. What type of file and size? Do u have a turorial?
AdminJenn Kim (Admin, Plickers) commented
Hi friends - we've just added the ability to add images, so we've edited this idea to focus on video! Keep up the votes!
Anonymous commented
I am an art teacher - having the ability to use images would be amazing!
Ms. Farromeque commented
Math and Science needs the graphs, images, pictures videos and other graphics. Please add this ability ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Jones commented
Without question this is also my biggest wish. I teach maths, and so often I want to ask a question about an angle, shape or graph. Currently I use PowerPoint for most of my questions, and use the ipad to scan the plickers cards with a generic single question that I keep resetting.
Anonymous commented
I teach American Sign Language.. Adding videos would be stellar! or at least being able to add clickable links or embed youtube videos..... in the questions and answers
Anonymous commented
I would see this as unnecessarily splitting votes.
Anonymous commented
Would this be the same as the other heading that includes images or video?
Anonymous commented
This is the number one thing that I need. As a math teacher, I need to be able to put figures on the board and ask questions about them for the students to work out.
Anonymous commented
I agree. That would bring functionality much closer to electronic clickers.