Increase plicker image size proportionally & centered for letter or legal size card stock and choose custom margins when printing them
I'd like to have a little larger plicker image than the "small" so if I could print out the small plickers 2 to a page but then "scale" the image up 10-20% while the image continues to center itself according to the custom margins I entered then Life would be more awesome in my classroom. The small card is just a little too small to be seen from the other end of the classroom while the large plicker is way too large. Somewhere in the middle would be absolutely Perfect! Small Medium Large

Anonymous commented
The biggest problem I encounter in collecting student responses is caused by the student's finger touching the outer edge of the Plicker symbol. My iPad won't recognize it. Large margins all around would allow students to easily hold the paper without interfering with device recognition of their responses.
Tim F commented
One work-around would be to print the Large cards, then photocopy them at a different size (eg 80%). Then you would have smaller images to print onto the cardstock.
Also, I noticed for my printers, if I uncheck "Fit To Page" from the print menu, the image increases slightly. That might work for you others/