Built in LATEX equation editor for questions and answers
As a physics teacher it would be a real boon to be able to quickly and easily insert equations to questions and answers. Latex would be perfect for this, and online platforms already exist which convert latex code into an equation image. Combining this with Plickers would be absolutely awesome.

Anonymous commented
I believe that for LaTeX it is just the case of having a script on the website that can parse the LaTeX commands within the $ signs.
Anonymous commented
The same idea. As a math teacher it would be a real boon to be able to quickly and easily insert equations to questions and answers with Latex,
Anonymous commented
As a mathematics instructor, I think this is critical. I'll suggest that whatever is developed should have a very user-friendly, WYSIWYG interface.
Anonymous commented
I confirm the interest of such a feature. Maybe MathJax could help : https://www.mathjax.org/