Enter multiple questions in at one time
Upload a document (like a multiple choice quiz with 20 questions and their answer options) and the questions are automatically entered as 20 separate questions instead of hand typing every question in.
Mike commented
Yep--Could use Respondus format or something similar. Also would like to be able to export a batch of questions as well, so I can then use them in other applications/formats without re-typing them.
Lisa commented
I use Plickers for SOL prep in Virginia. Being able to copy and paste the question and answers from my PDF copies of released tests, in one step, would make the process easier.
Greg siepert commented
The possibility of uploading questions from and RTF document would push this whole program to a whole new level
Randy commented
So where does this now stand? Is it being worked on? This is one of the biggest complaints I am hearing from my teachers.
Lisa commented
Yes, please!!!!
Tabitha commented
In another forum it was asked what format would be beneficial: I'd vote for excel/csv or just simply copy & paste --like what Plickers uses for uploading class rosters.
I didn't use Plickers last year because it just took too much time to set up/write questions. :'(
Tabitha commented
There are several other forums which I think ought to be combined with this one:
(and perhaps: https://plickers.uservoice.com/forums/194176-ideas/suggestions/7164982-allow-questions-to-be-duplicated-copied)
Anonymous commented
AdminJenn Kim (Admin, Plickers) commented
Hello Plickers friends!
You voted on an idea to "allow upload from spreadsheets" -- and part of the request was specific to class rosters.
In case you didn't know, I did want to let you know that we do now have the ability to copy-paste student rosters in (and these can be copy-pasted from a spreadsheet, separated by commas, tabs, spaces, etc.)
Since we've gone ahead and added that feature, I'm changing this title to "Upload questions from spreadsheets" so that it's more specific and allows other teachers to vote more specifically for this topic. Thank you!
Paul Stoop commented
Exactly my idea. A simple comma separated file (class, card number, Student name) would suffice.