I would love to be able to type mathematical symbols.
Anonymous commented
The ability to use text formatting would be very, very beneficial!
asj404 commented
and please include 'strikethrough' while you're at it.
Nicolas Charpenel commented
For those who use TeXify-Plickers, you can easily get your equations in proper LaTeX with this simple online editor from codecogs : https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php
Nicolas Charpenel commented
Hey dev, you can easily do this by using an open source text editor designed to simplify website content creation, like Ckeditor, TinyMCE or even some markup langage... It just generate cool secured html code !
Richard Anderson commented
As a workaround until this is improved, some characters can be input using unicode - i use this for subscripts and superscripts as well as arrows for equations. (I teach Chemistry).
Easiest is to copy and paste the unicode characters, for example from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_subscripts_and_superscripts or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_operators_and_symbols_in_Unicode
Richard Anderson commented
As a workaround until this is improved, some characters can be input using unicode - i use this for subscripts and superscripts as well as arrows for equations. (I teach Chemistry).
Easiest is to copy and paste the unicode characters, for example from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_subscripts_and_superscripts
Dan commented
I agree having math symbols would be extremely helpful with plickers!
Ben Fogarty commented
Without super and subscript maths equations look way more confusing than they need to be. I can get around the question part by making it in another program and taking a picture, but frequently the answer needs exponents/indices which is the confusing part for students.
It would also be amazing if we could have proper fraction support (like equation editor in Microsoft Word).
Nathaniel Bowman commented
Spacifically Spanish characters like accent marks and upside down punctuation marks.
Alex commented
Definitely worth it as typing chemical formulae and equations using unicodes is painfully slow.
Chris P commented
Yes it will be great to have a simple math editor (french teacher)
Erin commented
I agree, this would be a great added feature! For now, I just screenshot the equations I'm using and post the equation and the answers as an image and for the answer choices I don't type anything, I just leave it blank because the image shows the properly formatted equations as a part of the question's image.
Johnny boggota commented
Editer des images à partir de copies d'écran , c'est déjà ça, mais un éditeur d'équation puissant du genre de celui de word ça serait tellement bien !!!!
april johnson commented
This may be a feature and I just do not know how to do it. I would love to be able to copy and paste a problem. This way I can adjust the question or answers without having to type the whole question over every time.
Deborah Cathey commented
I really want math symbols added to your program! I teach high school Math and would love to use plickers, but it is too complicated to use the program having mostly algebra problems that include fractions, exponents, etc...
Sean F. Greene commented
Love the idea. Make it happen!
katherine commented
mathematical symbols would greatly improve the usability of plickers. The pasted pictures often are fuzzy - unprofessional in appearance.
Anonymous commented
I have used the "paste" picture into the editing box, BUT the pictures do not display on the student report for them to have all questions and answers for remediation. I would LOVE to have the math symbols editor built into the question and answer boxes. :)
Zachary Jones commented
Many state tests bold and italicize words for revising and editing sections. The ability to do this would be highly valuable for the students to see answer choices exactly as they would appear on the test.
Anonymous commented
Type the equation or symbol into a word document. Using the snipping tool make an image of it and save it. You can then enter the image of the equation or symbol into the question box. It will appear MUCH smaller in the editing box, but will be normal size after you save it. Hope that helps.
This will not help you for answers, but you can also set up the question with the answers in the question box and then use the multiple choice options as an A or B or C or D typed in.