Allow teachers to share questions with each other
My team of math teachers is all using Plickers this year. Is there a way we could share questions in our libraries with each other?
Dave Supp commented
My team of teachers just started plickers with our 2nd graders. We would love to divide and conquer the question queue...
Julie Smith commented
I need this feature like yesterday! PLEASE update! Its been 4 years since this has been requested!!!
asj404 commented
Q to contributors: Where do I find shared Kahoots! ?
mark commented
How is this not already possible? This was submitted over three years ago.
Peter Hale commented
It's the one feature that leaves this programme behind the likes of GCSEPod, socrative, kahoot etc.
Surely it can't be hard to add a sharing code like socrative?
Angie Wilson commented
Please make it possible for us to share plickers! I would love to be able to share my plickers with the other teachers on my team.
Anonymous commented
Need this ASAP
Anonymous commented
Does plickers even listen to us?
Dean Carbin commented
This is by far the most important feature that needs to be added. I led CPD on Plickers and this question was asked at every single workshop. Please, for the sake of us teachers, update and add this feature!
Courtney Esarey commented
It would be amazing to be able to share a Plickers game with other teachers so that they won't have to create a whole new game with the same questions.
Anonymous commented
Yes please allow teachers to share their cards (or give us the possibility to chose if the cards are public or private).
Anonymous commented
PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!! Plickers is too useful to NOT have this capability, yet!
Flavio Buccella commented
It possible to use Plikers mobile app with a tablet that has Windows as operative system ? Thank you
Catherine commented
Or could teachers share accounts and one account be able to have at least five live views at a time. Then all teachers would just have to create their own classes.
Anonymous commented
Yes! My colleagues would be more likely to use it!
Prof de physique-chimie française commented
Nous sommes des milliers de professeurs francophones à utiliser Plickers !
S'il vous plait, est-ce que nous pourrons bientôt partager nos cartes avec d'autres professeurs ! Avez-vous cela dans vos prévisions ?
Ce serait alors parfait !
Merci d'avance -
Anonymous commented
Wow. Three years since the initial question and we still can't share problems. Our department all uses a single account but we are only using it for one class and the classes are never opposite each other so it's not an issue. Makes it hard to branch out and use it for other classes,though.
ESL teacher commented
So? Is it going to happen?
Anonymous commented
Yes, I love Plickers, the only trouble is not to be able to share work with my colleagues. Please, do something!
Anonymous commented
I've been searching to find out how you do this and then came across this. I was hoping for my children to create their own quizes on an ipad and then use then as a who class, i'm guessing the can't do that unless i log them all on as me?