Allow 5 answer choices instead of just 4
It would involve redesigning the cards, but I'd love to have 5 answer choices available. Many standardized tests (like the SAT) have 5 answer choices, and it would be nice to use Plickers to invigorate our SAT prep.
I've had a great experience so far using Plickers in my classroom. Thanks for making the app available!
Carol commented
I totally agree... 5 answer choices would be very useful!!! (or up to six and then be able to remove one, if this means easier cards design).
Plickers is soo useful in Primary classes where they have no mobile phones/tablets... -
Beagle40 commented
When you are taking the exam, carefully answer the questions and review them. I also have been preparing for the LSAT and have been learning various tips for the final exams. Even I got recommendations for the best online as well as offline LSAT Prep courses as well and finally joined the course at All this is helping me thoroughly with the test preparations.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!!!
Akhyat commented
Five choices...
peter commented
I agree - more choices would be better! +1
Michael Toepper commented
AP test multiple choice also give 5 possible responses.
Ryan commented
I say that they should support this in smaller classes by doubling the Plickers up to be front and back. Like someone else said, 8 answers is quite a few.
You will need more than 5 sometimes.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please make pentagon cards for 5 choices. My students love this.
Anonymous commented
sure I go for that
Dawn Pierce commented
An E choice would also be great for College Board AP tests!
Anonymous commented
I agree - more choices would be better!
Cindy commented
I would love a 5th option too.... I think the easiest way to redesign the card to do this, though would just be to have it double sided. Give the card an and a b side and you could have up to 8 choices -- which would be great for things like anticipation guides where you are having them agree or disagree on a sliding scale.
Nonetheless, I like plickers, I'm new to them though. -
jackie commented
Please add an option E
Ben Atchison commented
Since there are 63 cards, wouldn't it be possible to merge cards i and i+31 (for i from 1 to 31) into one individual card? The front of the card could be options A-D, with the back being options E-H. This would only work for at most 31 students, but I would think that would work for a good amount of classes. And I would think that it would be easy enough to do, since it doesn't require any new patterns or anything like that. Just the recognition that each student now has two card numbers tied to their name.
Anonymous commented
I would like an option for both A-D and A-E if possible.
Anonymous commented
I agree with more answer choices. I thought about assigning two cards per student, but thought this would only confuse the students.
Thank you for this great learning and assessment tool, kids love it!
Anonymous commented
The CogAT assessment also has 5 choices.
Anonymous commented
To answer "E", I have the students discretely hold a finger over part of their Plicker, so that it doesn't read anything (although the app will not actually scan an answer, so this will also look like an absent student).
Anonymous commented
would also be great for Likert scale type questions if you are doing a survey. 5 option scale is the recommended number