Gridded Responses
Plickers is great but being limited to multiple choice can be a real setback as a teacher. I have seen different programs and apps that have the ability to scan gridded response and bubble sheets. Seeing these got me to thinking that it would be really great to have a two sided card. On one side would be the current multiple choice plicker card but on the other side there would be a gridded response area. Students could fill in the gridded resonse bubbles with either a dry erase marker or dry erase crayon (if the cards were laminated). To be honest I am a math teacher so I am envisioning using mostly a number gridded response pattern on the other side of the card. Expanding the idea one could even have several cards bound together with a ring or something with each card having a different type of response such as number gridded, letter gridded, multiple choice, etc.

Ryan commented
This is a very clever idea. It wouldn't be good for longer answers but math questions would be just fine. You could PROBABLY also fit one-word answers, perhaps for spelling or some super basic questions in English, History, or Science.