Allow webcam scanning
GradeCam has software that allows you to check scantrons using your webcam. I think Plickers is a phenomenal idea and it would be even more awesomer (deliberate use of horrible language) if kids could hold their cards up towards the camera as they walked out of the room. That way, teachers could post a one-question exit ticket on the board and collect data to the very last second of instruction.

Impala commented
For those who need an alternative that works with webcam, there is QCMCam, an open source french software.
It is not as polished and has a learning curve, but it is more functional in that sense. Being open source it allows us to improve it ourselves. -
Anonymous commented
Giving up on waiting for webcam scanning functionality now, so will start searching for alternatives.
Seamus McGinley commented
Webcam scanning update added yet?
Cikgu Moden commented
I have a non-smart phone, believe it or not, and in my country students are not allowed to bring smartphones to school. So if I want to use Plickers I have to borrow a colleague's smartphone, and that is next to impossible. Anyway, I support the idea of having a Windows-compatible app that works through a built-in camera or webcam, because that would make Plickers available to a whole new world of teachers who would be able to use Plickers in a school computer lab.
Anonymous commented
Come on guys, how long does it take to enable webcam scanning. It would seriously widen Plickers' usage amongst staff who are not allowed picture of students on the their own devices.
Anonymous commented
it'll be great
Seamus McGinley commented
Alas, still no movement on this. A real shame. I'll have to start looking around for alternatives. Still, there is always hope.......
Seamus McGinley commented
Alas, still no movement on this. A real shame. I'll have to start looking around for alternatives. Still, there is always hope.......
Seamus McGinley commented
As teachers we are not allowed to use mobile phones in class, especially as student could accuse us (not your servers) of taking images of them onto a private device. Running the App through a PC and Webcam monitored by the school is a lot "safer" all round and would be a welcome addition. Not all schools provide an iPad for each member of staff. Surely with with Software similar to "Code2" this is a viable option and would really allow lots of staff to get on board with Plickers. Is this option around the corner?
Al Roberson commented
I would like to see this option also and take attendance. I envision my students coming up to the document camera and answering a "Would you rather" option question... giving them two choices. It would give us a starter "icebreaker" and allow me to take role easier. This would be done as my students arrive in class each period (I teach middle school).
Ms. Hand commented
I would love to be able to set up a webcam in the room and let my kiddos scan to that webcam. This functionality would make the process even more hands-off for me as the teacher. Also, it can be impractical to assume that everyone has wifi/data access and a connectable device in their classrooms. All teachers (in a perfect world) do have a computer at a bare minimum and could reasonably be able to function through the webcam.
xx commented
Trying to work this
Anonymous commented
Trying to work this [program
Anonymous commented
I LOVE the difference Plickers has been able to make in my teaching, pinpointing the understanding levels in different topics by different individuals.
I may not have a smart phone for a period of several weeks though (and I know some people simply don't have them).
I use a Surface Pro at school (which I guess could use a Windows Phone app if Plickers made one) and it would be neat if I could just hold that up to scan with. -
Anonymous commented
I vote for webcam capability. Using the data on the cell phone is not in my best interest. We don't have access to the district Internet so I have to use my cell phone. Would definitely like to use the webcam.
Amanda Lange commented
My school is weird about cell phones. The kids aren't allowed to use them, so teachers "shouldn't either." I would love to have all the functionality from my app on my PC/Mac to just take a live shot with the attached web cam and THEN the students can see the data right away if I so chose.
Anonymous commented
I love Plickers, but I know I would use it much more often in my classroom if I could use my document camera.
Anonymous commented
My school uses plickers
Chris Andrews commented
We are looking to invest in surface tablets/similar and staff are reticent to use their own devices for scanning the results of the students as our school rules don't allow us to face cameras from our own devices at students. We have looked at investing in other tablets but they are a poor economy for what we would use them for.
Anonymous commented
En effet, il n'y a pas de wifi dans mon établissement, et le réseau mobile est aléatoire.
Il est donc difficile d'utiliser Plickers.
Les postes prof sont connectés et disposent d'une webcam.
Pouvoir scanner les réponses de la classe à l'aide d'une webcam serait un plus.