Option to delay the reveal of an image/graphic
Have the option to delay the presentation of an image (one that illustrates the answer and allows for discussion) until after the question has been asked and all answers have been submitted.
For example: If the question is "On which continent is Myanmar located?", I could include an image of a blank global map with the question, and once students submit their answers I can reveal a new image of the global map with a star on the location of Myanmar.
I don't want this image to appear alongside the question itself because it gives away the answer. But for students who got the question wrong, not only will the data tell them which answer was correct, but the correct information can be reinforced by seeing it in a visual form.
Applications could include geography, art history and discussion of components of images, math, etc.

Anonymous commented
Another variation on this idea would be to have the option to add a blank page of sorts in between questions. This way, after a question is answered, the next thing in the queue is information and/or an image that both provides and further explains the answer.
These ideas are intended for scenarios when Plicker is being used to encourage engagement and participation and to foster learning and discussion, as opposed to times when Plicker is used to administer a traditional or standard assessment.