Make a competition between teams of students
randomly assign students to groups and set up a competition between the groups.
Anonymous commented
I second this idea. But I don't want each team to have one card or else the one smart student will answer for everyone. I want each team member toi use a different card, but their average team score is what gets reported.
Ryan commented
This cool but there are still ways to kind of do this. You can use two sets of Plickers or, like some creative person said, you can assign some plickers to teams instead of students.
Josh commented
When speaking with instructors, this was one of the first things they mentioned as being a limitation. Practice quizzes and competitions are found to be very motivating and valuable. Plickers does not easily support this activity in real time.
John commented
I'd like to do a quiz in assembly and if cards could be assigned to one of four 'houses' it would be super fun.
Kat Love commented
I assigned Plickers 34-40 to teams. 34 is Team 1, 35 Team 2, etc. Then when I want to do Team Questions we use those Plickers.
April Spitzer commented
I agree that I wish I could set up teams in plickers. I would ask the whole class the same question, allow them to confer in teams, everybody put up an answer, and then see the results as a team.