Translation of Plickers in other languages: French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
Please translate Plickers in several languages. If you need, I can help!
John commented
French if possible please !
Anonymous commented
French please. Very usefull application un thé classroom
ETIENNE David commented
I'm a Spanish teacher in France and it would be great if I could use Plickers in Spanish or French instead of English!
I'm sure it would be appreciated by all teachers in countries that not speak English... -
Anonymous commented
I agree. Can you trasnlate plickers in other languages beacuse it'a very good application. Tha,k you
Mathieu Lizotte commented
Arabic language should be added, because its compulsory in UAE schools.
thank you &
Kind RegardsSultan Muhammad
Lejardin commented
Dommage que Plikers ne soit pas édité dans d'autre langues, pour les profs d'anglais ceci ne pose pas de problèmes mais ça simplifierait la prise en main d'autres profs qui ne pratique pas la langue et qui, de fait, sont un peu rétif à un programme dont ils ne comprennent pas les subtilités.
Cordialement -
hoda commented
حضرة القيميين على الموقع
نتمنى وجود ترجمة للغة العربية لان ذلك يقدم لنا مساعدة فاعلة للاستعانة بهذا الموقع .مع الشكر الجزيل لكم -
Isabelle Ménard commented
A lot of teachers and even more students cannot use it because of the language barrier. So please, translate your website and instructions in french. And other popular languages.
Anonymous commented
Türkçe olursa süper olur.
Anonymous commented
French please!!!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Guillaume Tello commented
Sure that french would be appreciated. I can help if needed."Bravo" for your cool idea and work.