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  1. Penalize wrong answers

    Good afternoon,

    I'm a teacher in a seconday school who has been using Plickers for a couple of months. Fist and foremost, I have to say that I find the app amazing. Having said that, however, I would like to know if it would be possible to have the possibility of "penalizing" wrong answers. I'm saying this because I sometimes find that students who have not studied for the topic I have prepared the questions for answer the questions at random and the rest of the group get annoyed whenever their mark happens to be lower than that of the…

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  2. Include a link to attach the questions to a lesson plan

    It would be great for there to be a way that you could include the link to Plickers/your questions right into a lesson plan.

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  3. Add option of Recording Audio

    I am a special education teacher and several of my students require read aloud accommodations. Although I can always read the questions, it would be awesome if I could pre-record my voice reading the questions and answer choices so that I can be circulating the room scanning answers more efficiently rather than being back and forth between reading the board.

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  4. Start with a practice question to check voting technique is understood

    I usually start with a test question - "What letter is this?" with an interesting image of an A, B, C or D.

    If you built this in, then the question could be easily included at the start by default, without adding to the stats. And I wouldn't have to remember to include this in my queue!

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  5. May be you can modify to took attendance with this individual code

    May be you can modify to took attendance with this individual code

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  6. Live View - change or hide the ABCD row

    In Live View mode I would like to change the alternatives A-D to e.g. 1-4 or, even better, hide them all together. For instance, if the answers I have for a question (or survey) are “F”, “E”, “C” and “A” no matter how I sort them, the graph will be confusing for the respondents.
    Wouldn't it be possible to change or hide the ABCD row under the graph in Live View mode?

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  7. High contrast settings option for visually impaired teacher/students

    Being able to darken or lighten the visual screen for both students and in the reports for teachers. It is currently difficult for me to see the student result numbers... more contrast or darker colors.

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  8. Allow the whole Library Sub Folder Questions to be added to the Class Queue.

    I find it very tedious having to select each and every Question one by one from Library of '25 x common Idioms' to Class Queue!
    Having taken the trouble to create the Library sub folder. and order them numerically. I just want to select, the entire Library Sub-Folder (that contains all the sorted 25 x Common Idioms) to the Class Queue.

    One can delete Questions and re-order them if necessary. Much easier than adding one by one for each and every Class.

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  9. Group classes to assign questions more quickly

    I'm using Plickers for mass assessment. Make it possible to group classes and add questions to all the classes in a group with one click, rather than having to individually assign questions to each teacher. I teach elementary music, and it would be SO MUCH EASIER to assign a question to all my groups (6 grade level clicks) instead of 32 clicks for each teacher individually, times however many questions, as it must be done now. What a time waster!

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  10. Sharing with Professor

    My students create assignments for their students and need to submit that assignment..we have been doing screen shots. Would it be possible to "share" their creations with professor??

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  11. no custom rage option for scoresheet

    I would like to see all the tests given for a class, rather than selecting the date it was given. it makes it difficult to search for a particular quiz and the date range only does one month at a time.

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  12. Report Scores for More Than a Month

    Allow us to get a score report for more than a month at a time (for example, for the quarter, semester or year). Why is it limited to a month?

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  13. save & add to queue

    New button to save & add a card to the queue.

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  14. Unilateral and universal control of Plickers from both touch device and computer to smooth out workflow.

    Complete remote control of the web app from the device is necessary to free teachers from having to linger around the computer at their desks.

    In fact, since I go back to the computer to show/hide panel and reveal answers so often that I'd like to ditch the iPad altogether; however Plickers cannot queue without the iPad!

    All features - text size, show/hide panel, show graph, reveal answers, (next question!), etc should be available in the iOS/Android apps, and vice versa, queuing should be functional in the computer web app.

    As it stands now, running Plickers comprehensively requires active management…

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  15. Adding a SOUND FILE to multiple choice.

    Sound file could be uploaded as a .wav mp3 or mp4. This would really assist with guided listening.

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  16. Print a report without printing pictures

    I would like to have the option to print a report without including pictures I've added to questions. This would help keep a report to a single page and would make printing easier.

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  17. Change cards to show A/F, B/G, C/H, D/J, as answer choices.

    On some of our practice materials the questions answer choices will be #1. A, B, C, D, #2. F, G, H, J., so the questions will alternate. I think this would require reprinting the cards to reflect those 4 answer choices.

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  18. Clone/duplicate an account for another user/setting

    I'd like to request a secondary account that is a duplicate of my current account.

    I do not want to provide the username and password of my own account to others but if your tech team could clone my account, then I could share that duplicate (which already has questions, images and answers loaded and categorized by topic) with others.

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration,

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. be able to use my phone to switch between graph and home while operating live view.

    be able to use my device to switch back and forth between the graph and homepage when using Live View not having to walk back to my laptop to switch

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